Fire Hydrant System is a very effective extinguishing system suitable for various plants and high-rise buildings. Fire Hydrant Systems are very strong and can be used from medium to large-sized fires. Fire Hydrant Systems, have a long-range. Since the Fire Hydrant System is spread out, the fire hydrant can attack the fire from different angles. This entire systems require low maintenance and virtually, does not leak water. Besides this, Fire Hydrant Systems have a long life.
The system mainly consists of a water storage reservoir (underground or aboveground), a pump set, a piping ring around the building and terminals inside the building, hydrant valves, hoses, branch pipes with nozzles and hose boxes. On the ring main the hydrant stand posts are provided with hydrant valves.
The main purpose of using a Fire Hydrant system is to give the best possible source of water to each corner of the building to protect the building by simply taking control of fire during an emergency.
In case of fire, the hose can be connected to the hydrant valve with the nozzles at the outlet end and the pump can be started. For the automatic operation of the pump the jockey pump is provided which normally pressurize the pipes and as soon as the valve is open and pressure reduces the main pump starts automatically.